Saturday, 7 November 2009

Make The Most of The Early Snow?

Well it is true, by now you may well of had the newsletter telling you that the snow is falling in the Alps! Early days one might add but it is certainly probably not a bad sign we would guess in respect of what may or may not happen in respect of snow conditions for the impending season.

So does this mean that we are in for another very good season? Well we don't profess to be experts and the ones that are from our experience seem to struggle to guess this one anyway. But, if there is one thing that we have seen, and this is based on experience rather than being scientific and / or supported by significant research, that snow conditions do seem to be cyclical and that the pattern seem to follow a five to seven year cycle (we think closer to the latter). Good news one hopes for this season as conditions weren't too bad in 2003 but 2013 might be one to avoid after 2006!!! Metreologists will tell you about all sorts of reasons this may be so and the more recent talked about example being El NiƱo.

So if you are looking to book, our suggestion would be to take the plunge, not just because already conditions are pretty good, and hopefully will continually to be again over the coming months, but the industry needs you. The global recession is effecting us all and the ski industry is of course reeling from such as people cut back and despite us all loving this sport, some unfortunately just simply can't afford it and bookings are therefore down. Add to the fact that for many British operators the exchange rates aren't helping either as clients pay often in sterling yet the operators they visit have costs predominatly in Euros (many operators are selling at the same prices as last year yet costs have risen 30% due to exchange rate fluctuation). So with out your support, you may find the choice you have today isn't the same tomorrow

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